
During my blog absence, I sat back and thought about some things I'd like to do with this blog, and my shop.
I flipped through my craft selling books, and just wrote down some of my goals.

Scribbly Goal list

And, if you can't read my handwriting, they are as follows, with an addition,

And the addition:

My confidence wanes and waxes a lot, I'll get that 'Oh are people even reading/ do they even care' feeling all too much. But I'm slowly building it up. I have a lovely team of motivational friends keeping me going, so I'm sure I'll do great.

I'm even going to try one of the goals on my list in a few minutes! If I succeed, you guys will be the first to know.

Edit: Oh yeah, I installed Disqus, so I can actually reply to your comments! It's a bit difficult when someone comments, and I have no way of contacting them to reply, so this will help a lot!

Edit 2: I realized some of these are larger long term goals. I should probably make another blog list with smaller goals next time.

Take Care, and Happy Crafting
